
Mapping humanity

Poll - reasons for polling

911 conspiracyexcellent Many people who like polls because they want to tell their likings to somebody/something are 9/11 conspiracy believers
Toothbrushexcellent Many people with an electric toothbrush like polls for no good reason
Credit crisis spending habbitshigh Few people who like polls for no good reason haven't changed their spending habbits because of the credit crisis
MBTI personality typehigh Many Champions (personality) like polls because they want to communicate about their preferences
Incomehigh Many people who earn less than 500 euro monthly are people whose main interest in polls is the result
Favorite fruithigh Many people who don't like polls are mandarin orange-eaters
Sockshigh Many people whose main interest in polls is the result are socks fans
Toothbrushhigh Few people who like polls for no good reason have a normal toothbrush
Favo breakfast drinkhigh Many people who don't like polls drink orange juice with their breakfast
Where is Elvishigh Many people who think Elvis is in heaven like polls for no good reason

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