
Mapping humanity

Poll - en-GB lipgloss

Lipgloss is ...rating

degrading to women15%
useful for drag queens15%
tested illegally on russians15%
made from cute baby seals15%
pretty when mostly pink15%
making a radical fashion statement00%
21 stemmen

Hoe vaak moet je huilen?rating

Constant, eigenlijk ben ik op dit moment aan het huilen00%
Elke dag00%
Elke week00%
Iedere maand419%
Een paar keer per jaar524%
Jaarlijks of minder1048%
Ik huil nooit210%
21 stemmen

Verbanden tussen polls

Statistisch significante verbanden gevonden:

fair en-GB many people who think lipgloss is smudgy cry a few times a year (2) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... many people who think lipgloss is smudgy cry a few times a year because they have a practical view on feng shui?

fair en-GB many people who think lipgloss is sticky cry a few times a year (2) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... many people who think lipgloss is sticky cry a few times a year because they don't have a below average sleep need?

low en-GB many people who think lipgloss is useless cry monthly (2) Beoordeling

Sublink gevonden! - Zou het kunnen dat... many people who think lipgloss is useless cry monthly because they like the colour blue?

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