
Mapping humanity

Poll - 911 conspiracy

Do you believe the official 9/11 story?rating

Yes, Osama Bin Laden is responsible5034%
Yes, but the US government knew it and let it happen139%
The official story is not exactly what happened, but there is no conspiracy.4732%
No, it is a zionist conspiracy11%
No, it was an inside job1913%
The 9/11 attacks didn't happen!00%
I don't know / don't care, there are worse things to worry about!1812%
148 votes

How much Television per day for you?rating

More than 8 hours per day21%
6 to 8 hours a day.11%
About 4 to 6 hours per day.53%
Maybe 3 or 4 hours daily.128%
2 or 3 hours watching television.2618%
In between 1 and 2 hours.3423%
Less than 1 hour daily on average5336%
Television is the root of all evil.75%
I don't have Television.85%
148 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

low few people who think television is evil believe the official 9/11 story (0) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few people who think television is evil believe the official 9/11 story because they don't believe the terrorism threat level?

fair many average television watchers question the official 9/11 story but think there is a conspiracy (4) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many average television watchers question the official 9/11 story but think there is a conspiracy because they aren't Atheists?

low many people who question the official 9/11 story but don't think there is a conspiracy are almost no television watchers (21) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who question the official 9/11 story but don't think there is a conspiracy are almost no television watchers because they think global warming is contributed by humans?

fair few 9/11 conspiracy believers are light television watchers (1) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few 9/11 conspiracy believers are light television watchers because they aren't Atheists?

excellent many people who think television is evil are 9/11 conspiracy believers (5) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who think television is evil are 9/11 conspiracy believers because they have above average weight?

low many people without television are 9/11 conspiracy believers (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people without television are 9/11 conspiracy believers because they are people without television?

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