
Mapping humanity

Profiel: veel en-GB George Bush-lovers...

high en-GB Don't spend much time on their appearance100%8%link
high en-GB Are light television watchers100%21%link
fair en-GB Don't buy organic/fair trade products because of the high prices100%12%link
fair en-GB Are right-wing 66%8%link
fair en-GB Don't know how to spell feng shui100%28%link
fair en-GB Drink water with their breakfast66%10%link
fair en-GB Think Jesus was enlightened100%18%link
fair en-GB Want a tattoo100%20%link
fair en-GB Are slightly brown coloured 66%12%link
fair en-GB Have an above average amount of computers at home100%21%link

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fact Wist je dat:

Veel 9/11 complot-aanhangers zijn het sterkst met hun vader verbonden.