
Mapping humanity

Poll - wakker worden

Hoe word je wakker?rating

Ik word automatisch wakker wanneer dat nodig is211%
Ik sta gemotiveerd op, direct na het gaan van de wekker211%
Ik sta op met de wekker, uit discipline15%
Ik blijf in bed, en druk eerst een aantal keer op "snooze"1368%
Ik blijf in bed, en verzin smoesjes om langer te blijven liggen15%
Ik hoef geen wekker te gebruiken, ik slaap net zo lang als ik wil00%
19 stemmen

How much influence should the government have?rating

They don't have any responsibility, it's completely up to the parents how they want to raise their kids.211%
The government should look after the safety of kids, if situations get out of hand, they should interfere.421%
On top of answer 2, they should also set conditions so that all parents have the possibilities to raise their kid well. This means the government provides supportplaces and makes sure the youth care is well organised.1158%
On top of answer 2 and 3, they must also be able to put people under an obligation if this is for a better social coherence of the society and/or tackles or prevents problems.211%
19 stemmen

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