
Mapping humanity

Poll - shoe size

What is your shoe size?numbersrating

very small [ < 36.2 ]213%
small [36.2 - 39.3 ]213%
below average [39.3 - 42.4 ]319%
above average [42.4 - 45.6 ]638%
large [45.6 - 48.7 ]319%
very large [ > 48.7 ]00%
16 votes

Do you have to look at the keyboard, when typing?rating

no, I touch-type with ten fingers638%
no, I don't look, but i don't use all my fingers531%
I sometimes need to peek531%
yes, I have to look, but not constantly00%
yes, when I type, I constantly need to find the keys with my eyes00%
Other/Something else00%
16 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

fair many people with large feet touch-type with ten fingers (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people with large feet touch-type with ten fingers because they think taxes should be lower?

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