
Mapping humanity

Poll - when to drink coffee

When do you drink your coffee?rating

Every hour.11%
All the time, when I feel like it.2024%
At least 3 times a day, with each food break.56%
In the mornings or when I need to get more awake.1417%
Mostly only in the mornings.56%
Sometimes when I'm really tired, or offered a cup by others.1214%
Very rarely.67%
Never, don't see the use.34%
Coffee? Blegh!1720%
83 votes

What is your main source of news?rating

Other people34%
I don't need news34%
83 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

fair many people who get news from paper are light coffee drinkers (4) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who get news from paper are light coffee drinkers because they aren't computernerds?

low few people who get news from paper are coffee dislikers (0) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few people who get news from paper are coffee dislikers because they are a little chaotic?

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