
Mapping humanity

Poll - food and products awareness

Do you buy organic and/or fair trade products?rating

I always buy organic food when available34%
I always buy fair trade when it's available00%
Yes, for specific products1624%
Yes, when it feels good or serves a good cause57%
Yes, when I can afford it at the moment1218%
Yes, when I know what it's for/about57%
No, it's too expensive1218%
No, it's unnecessary46%
No, regular products are higher quality46%
I let someone else do my shopping69%
67 votes

Do you eat meat?rating

Yes, I like it a lot3451%
Yes, but I try to reduce it2537%
No, but I am not a vegetarian (or vegan)23%
No, I'm vegetarian (no meat/fish)69%
No, I'm vegan00%
67 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

low many vegetarians buy environmentally aware products when their budget allows (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many vegetarians buy environmentally aware products when their budget allows because they are animal lovers?

low few people who don't buy organic/fair trade products because of the high prices are modest meat eaters (2) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few people who don't buy organic/fair trade products because of the high prices are modest meat eaters because they approve of the death penalty in some cases?

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