
Mapping humanity

Poll - source of personality

What is it that defines who we are?rating

Our eternal soul1114%
Our heart34%
Our brain2126%
All our bodycells combined45%
Our body and soul combined1316%
All our actions combined45%
God (any religion)11%
How should I know?1519%
Other/Something else810%
80 votes

How do you dream?rating

I always realize I'm dreaming and I can react to it. (lucid dreamer)45%
Mostly I dream lucid. (realizing the dream and act on it)34%
Only sometimes I dream lucid, mostly I don't know it's a dream until afterwards.3139%
When I dream, I always think it's reality.1519%
I almost never dream, or I don't remember it.2126%
I dream all day long, who knows what's reality?34%
I suffer from insomnia.11%
Dreams are injected by aliens.23%
Dreams don't exist, they are mindtricks.00%
I'm lucid dreaming, RIGHT NOW!!00%
80 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

low few soul believers never dream lucid (0) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few soul believers never dream lucid because they aren't people registered as a donor?

low few body and soul believers forget their dreams (1) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few body and soul believers forget their dreams because they aren't light gamers?

fair many people who believe personality origins from actions never dream lucid (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many people who believe personality origins from actions never dream lucid because they don't speak English?

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