
Mapping humanity

Poll - video game quote

What is your favourite Video-Game Quote?rating

"They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test-chamber..."414%
"Hell, It's about time"13%
"Ah! My leben"00%
"I'll make weapons from your bones!"310%
"What are you waiting for? Christmas?"621%
"M-M-Monster kill!!!"931%
"Join the army they said..."310%
29 votes

Are you an extravert or an introvert?rating

Ambivert (both)931%
29 votes

Links between polls

Statistically significant connections found:

low few Duke Nukem 3D fans are ambiverts (0) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that few Duke Nukem 3D fans are ambiverts because they want to live between 80 and 90 years?

low many extraverts are Unreal Tournament fans (3) Rating

Sublink found! - Could it be that many extraverts are Unreal Tournament fans because they aren't cat fans?

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